Whispering Pines is the story of a girl gone missing at a quiet northern Minnesota lakeside resort. In an effort to keep things quiet, and not upset the delicate ecosystem of loyal families and quirky Minnesotans that keep his little place afloat, retired sheriff turned resort owner Hank, takes a risk on a tip from his old friend Chet, and brings in “a guy who helped me once before,” Dave.

In a tight knit community where everyone’s a gossip, Dave tries to keep a low profile and enlists the help of another outsider, resort bar manager Jay, in an effort to glean insight from her time here in the community.

As the mystery begins to unravel, so does Dave, as a series of familiarities at the resort trigger internal traumas from his past. As the two dig deeper, Dave’s erratic behavior unintentionally draws the ire of a seedy backwoods sex & drug trafficking ring, threatening to upend an otherwise unspoken, but fragile alliance between the ring’s leader and Hank’s quiet resort.

As chaos ensues and Dave spirals deeper into darkness, he clings to the hope that if he can just save this girl, maybe he can save himself.